The Tesla Owner Club is a community of owners and enthusiasts committed to advancing Tesla's mission to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Club members help advocate for Tesla by offering test-drives, volunteering at shows, educating new and prospective owners, hosting social events and passionately referring friends and family to explore Tesla ownership for themselves.
See the club engagementCount on us if you need support with your Tesla - our community will provide you expertise, insights and hacks that make your Tesla experience even smoother. We organize exclusive events like winter driving training, tipps & tricks, track day, Giga Berlin factory tour, Silence Rallye and other electrifying road trips.
Tesla Owners Club Belgium is the community for owners, reservation holders and fans of Tesla cars: Roadster, Model S3XY & Cybertruck who live and/or work in Belgium. This club is open for Tesla owners, reservation holders and fans who live and/or work in Belgium. Communication will be in English as we have Flemish, French, English & other foreign languages speaking members. Official partner of Tesla Owners Club Program.
Der Swiss Tesla Owners Club ( fördert den Austausch von Tesla-Fahrern, veranstaltet Events, gibt technische Unterstützung und organisiert Vergünstigungen. Von Tesla Motors anerkannt. Gegründet 2012 von sechs Roadster-Besitzern: Karin Aeschlimann, Giovanni Cerfeda, Nico Decurtins, Andreas von Sprecher, Pierre Uhl, Oliver Weidmann. Besuche für mehr.
Tesla Owners Club je komunitou vlastníků a nadšenců odhodlaných prosazovat poslání Tesly urychlit přechod světa k udržitelné energii. Členové klubu pomáhají prosazovat Teslu podporou legislativního úsilí, nabídkou testovacích jízd, dobrovolnictvím na výstavách, vzděláváním nových a budoucích majitelů, pořádáním společenských akcí a vřelým pobízením přátelům a rodině, aby se odhodlali prozkoumat, v čem spočívá vlastnictví Tesly.
Zweck des Vereins ist die Beschleunigung des Übergangs zu nachhaltiger Mobilität um aktiv Natur- und Klimaschutz zu fördern. Der Tesla Owners Club Bavaria organisiert Veranstaltungen, Sternfahrten und informiert Mitglieder und Außenstehende über die Themen erneuerbare Energien und Elektromobilität. Uns ist auch besonders die Vernetzung und der Austausch von Tesla-Fahrern wichtig.
Club Tesla España is the Official vibrant community of Tesla Owners and enthusiasts in Spain. Dedicated to celebrating and promoting the innovative spirit of Tesla, the club organizes events, meetups, and drives, fostering a sense of camaraderie among members. It serves as a platform for sharing experiences, tips, and knowledge about Tesla vehicles, contributing to the advancement of sustainable transportation in Spain.
Clubin tarkoitus on vertaistuki, yhteisöllisyys ja sosiaalinen yhdessäolo. Yksi kantavista ajatuksista on aina ollut avun tai vertaistuen antaminen. Clubilaiset ovat usein mielellään auttamassa toisiaan, neuvoen ja kokemusten avulla jopa fyysisesti auttaen ja opastaen omaa aikaansa ja vaivaansa säästelemättä.
Created in 2013, the Club becomes in 2020 the Tesla Owners Club France, which is the international label set up by Tesla Inc. Our Tesla Owners Club in France, with its regional branches, invites you to share moments of conviviality and discussion during more than sixty events or gatherings organized each year. We have also set up communication channels (forum, Discord, etc.) to promote mutual aid and the sharing of information between members.
Whilst representing 30% of Tesla owners in the UK we deliver a plethora of events nationwide; support where Tesla cannot or will not; coordination for fundraising and charitable acts; representation to Government & Tesla; education to promote the uptake and adoption of electric vehicles, renewable energy & zero carbon living; and fostering of good relations between Members, Staff, and other supporters of Tesla, and other parties who seek to achieve similar aims and purposes to the Club.
Tesla Owners Italia contributes to accelerate the transition process in Italy from a fossil energy based economy to a resource based economy, then on the production of renewable energy. Official Partner of the Tesla Owners Club Program, holder of the World Record single charge mileage record with Elon Musk congratulations!
Founded in 2010, Tesla Club Italy is the first Tesla Club in Italy and among the first in all around the world. With more than 10.000 members and with many activities - online and offline - the Club is the main reference in Italy for who is interested in Tesla, both owners and enthusiasts. Join us!
Created in 2013, the Club becomes in 2020 the Tesla Owners Club France, which is the international label set up by Tesla Inc. Our Tesla Owners Club in France, with its regional branches, invites you to share moments of conviviality and discussion during more than sixty events or gatherings organized each year. We have also set up communication channels (forum, Discord, etc.) to promote mutual aid and the sharing of information between members.
Der Swiss Tesla Owners Club ( fördert den Austausch von Tesla-Fahrern, veranstaltet Events, gibt technische Unterstützung und organisiert Vergünstigungen. Von Tesla Motors anerkannt. Gegründet 2012 von sechs Roadster-Besitzern: Karin Aeschlimann, Giovanni Cerfeda, Nico Decurtins, Andreas von Sprecher, Pierre Uhl, Oliver Weidmann. Besuche für mehr.
Tesla Owners Club Belgium is the community for owners, reservation holders and fans of Tesla cars: Roadster, Model S3XY & Cybertruck who live and/or work in Belgium. This club is open for Tesla owners, reservation holders and fans who live and/or work in Belgium. Communication will be in English as we have Flemish, French, English & other foreign languages speaking members. Official partner of Tesla Owners Club Program.
Tesla Owners Italia contributes to accelerate the transition process in Italy from a fossil energy based economy to a resource based economy, then on the production of renewable energy. Official Partner of the Tesla Owners Club Program, holder of the World Record single charge mileage record with Elon Musk congratulations!
Count on us if you need support with your Tesla - our community will provide you expertise, insights and hacks that make your Tesla experience even smoother. We organize exclusive events like winter driving training, tipps & tricks, track day, Giga Berlin factory tour, Silence Rallye and other electrifying road trips.
Clubin tarkoitus on vertaistuki, yhteisöllisyys ja sosiaalinen yhdessäolo. Yksi kantavista ajatuksista on aina ollut avun tai vertaistuen antaminen. Clubilaiset ovat usein mielellään auttamassa toisiaan, neuvoen ja kokemusten avulla jopa fyysisesti auttaen ja opastaen omaa aikaansa ja vaivaansa säästelemättä.
Club Tesla España is the Official vibrant community of Tesla Owners and enthusiasts in Spain. Dedicated to celebrating and promoting the innovative spirit of Tesla, the club organizes events, meetups, and drives, fostering a sense of camaraderie among members. It serves as a platform for sharing experiences, tips, and knowledge about Tesla vehicles, contributing to the advancement of sustainable transportation in Spain.
Tesla Owners Club je komunitou vlastníků a nadšenců odhodlaných prosazovat poslání Tesly urychlit přechod světa k udržitelné energii. Členové klubu pomáhají prosazovat Teslu podporou legislativního úsilí, nabídkou testovacích jízd, dobrovolnictvím na výstavách, vzděláváním nových a budoucích majitelů, pořádáním společenských akcí a vřelým pobízením přátelům a rodině, aby se odhodlali prozkoumat, v čem spočívá vlastnictví Tesly.
Zweck des Vereins ist die Beschleunigung des Übergangs zu nachhaltiger Mobilität um aktiv Natur- und Klimaschutz zu fördern. Der Tesla Owners Club Bavaria organisiert Veranstaltungen, Sternfahrten und informiert Mitglieder und Außenstehende über die Themen erneuerbare Energien und Elektromobilität. Uns ist auch besonders die Vernetzung und der Austausch von Tesla-Fahrern wichtig.
Founded in 2010, Tesla Club Italy is the first Tesla Club in Italy and among the first in all around the world. With more than 10.000 members and with many activities - online and offline - the Club is the main reference in Italy for who is interested in Tesla, both owners and enthusiasts. Join us!
Whilst representing 30% of Tesla owners in the UK we deliver a plethora of events nationwide; support where Tesla cannot or will not; coordination for fundraising and charitable acts; representation to Government & Tesla; education to promote the uptake and adoption of electric vehicles, renewable energy & zero carbon living; and fostering of good relations between Members, Staff, and other supporters of Tesla, and other parties who seek to achieve similar aims and purposes to the Club.
Whilst all the clubs listed are official partners of the Tesla Owners Club Programme we do not assert any proprietary rights over any of the Tesla trademarks or marks used throughout the website. While we do our best to ensure the content on this website is accurate we cannot be held responsible for any incorrect or misleading information. All rights reserved.